Message me in CHAT any individual stocks you have or are watching for
- TERMINOLOGY: ES = S&P Futures; YM = DOW Futures; NQ = Nasdaq Futures
️️️ Challenge: challenge/
17:53 Video: https://watch.screencastify. com/v/XDxECy2tigoHkI6nfRMG
I’m in MAR 25 TWTR 37 PUTS & ARKK 62 PUTS
I’ve traded TWTR a couple dozen times in the past year +, ARKK is new to me, but I’ve been tracking it and the options on it for a month now
TWTR rose +20% last week
ARKK rose +28.6% last week
50.0 retrace would be the obvious plan while 38.2 the standard
Message me in chat/email any tickers you want looked at